Learning Objectives
- 3.3.1State the constant, constant multiple, and power rules.
- 3.3.2Apply the sum and difference rules to combine derivatives.
- 3.3.3Use the product rule for finding the derivative of a product of functions.
- 3.3.4Use the quotient rule for finding the derivative of a quotient of functions.
- 3.3.5Extend the power rule to functions with negative exponents.
- 3.3.6Combine the differentiation rules to find the derivative of a polynomial or rational function.
Finding derivatives of functions by using the definition of the derivative can be a lengthy and, for certain functions, a rather challenging process. For example, previously we found that by using a process that involved multiplying an expression by a conjugate prior to evaluating a limit. The process that we could use to evaluate using the definition, while similar, is more complicated. In this section, we develop rules for finding derivatives that allow us to bypass this process. We begin with the basics.
The Basic Rules
The functions and where is a positive integer are the building blocks from which all polynomials and rational functions are constructed. To find derivatives of polynomials and rational functions efficiently without resorting to the limit definition of the derivative, we must first develop formulas for differentiating these basic functions.
The Constant Rule
We first apply the limit definition of the derivative to find the derivative of the constant function, For this function, both and so we obtain the following result:
The rule for differentiating constant functions is called the constant rule. It states that the derivative of a constant function is zero; that is, since a constant function is a horizontal line, the slope, or the rate of change, of a constant function is We restate this rule in the following theorem.
Theorem 3.2
The Constant Rule
Let be a constant.
If then
Alternatively, we may express this rule as
Example 3.17
Applying the Constant Rule
Find the derivative of
This is just a one-step application of the rule:
Checkpoint 3.11
Find the derivative of
The Power Rule
We have shown that
At this point, you might see a pattern beginning to develop for derivatives of the form We continue our examination of derivative formulas by differentiating power functions of the form where is a positive integer. We develop formulas for derivatives of this type of function in stages, beginning with positive integer powers. Before stating and proving the general rule for derivatives of functions of this form, we take a look at a specific case, As we go through this derivation, note that the technique used in this case is essentially the same as the technique used to prove the general case.
Example 3.18
Checkpoint 3.12
As we shall see, the procedure for finding the derivative of the general form is very similar. Although it is often unwise to draw general conclusions from specific examples, we note that when we differentiate the power on becomes the coefficient of in the derivative and the power on in the derivative decreases by 1. The following theorem states that the power rule holds for all positive integer powers of We will eventually extend this result to negative integer powers. Later, we will see that this rule may also be extended first to rational powers of and then to arbitrary powers of Be aware, however, that this rule does not apply to functions in which a constant is raised to a variable power, such as
Theorem 3.3
The Power Rule
Let be a positive integer. If then
Alternatively, we may express this rule as
For where is a positive integer, we have
we see that
Next, divide both sides by h:
Example 3.19
Applying the Power Rule
Find the derivative of the function by applying the power rule.
Using the power rule with we obtain
Checkpoint 3.13
Find the derivative of
The Sum, Difference, and Constant Multiple Rules
We find our next differentiation rules by looking at derivatives of sums, differences, and constant multiples of functions. Just as when we work with functions, there are rules that make it easier to find derivatives of functions that we add, subtract, or multiply by a constant. These rules are summarized in the following theorem.
Theorem 3.4
Sum, Difference, and Constant Multiple Rules
Let and be differentiable functions and be a constant. Then each of the following equations holds.
Sum Rule. The derivative of the sum of a function and a function is the same as the sum of the derivative of and the derivative of
that is,
Difference Rule. The derivative of the difference of a function f and a function g is the same as the difference of the derivative of f and the derivative of
that is,
Constant Multiple Rule. The derivative of a constant k multiplied by a function f is the same as the constant multiplied by the derivative:
that is,
We provide only the proof of the sum rule here. The rest follow in a similar manner.
For differentiable functions and we set Using the limit definition of the derivative we have
By substituting and we obtain
Rearranging and regrouping the terms, we have
We now apply the sum law for limits and the definition of the derivative to obtain
Example 3.20
Applying the Constant Multiple Rule
Find the derivative of and compare it to the derivative of
We use the power rule directly:
Since has derivative we see that the derivative of is 3 times the derivative of This relationship is illustrated in Figure 3.18.
Figure 3.18 The derivative of is 3 times the derivative of
Example 3.21
Applying Basic Derivative Rules
Find the derivative of
We begin by applying the rule for differentiating the sum of two functions, followed by the rules for differentiating constant multiples of functions and the rule for differentiating powers. To better understand the sequence in which the differentiation rules are applied, we use Leibniz notation throughout the solution:
Checkpoint 3.14
Find the derivative of
Example 3.22
Finding the Equation of a Tangent Line
Find the equation of the line tangent to the graph of at
To find the equation of the tangent line, we need a point and a slope. To find the point, compute
This gives us the point Since the slope of the tangent line at 1 is we must first find Using the definition of a derivative, we have
so the slope of the tangent line is Using the point-slope formula, we see that the equation of the tangent line is
Putting the equation of the line in slope-intercept form, we obtain
Checkpoint 3.15
Find the equation of the line tangent to the graph of at Use the point-slope form.
The Product Rule
Now that we have examined the basic rules, we can begin looking at some of the more advanced rules. The first one examines the derivative of the product of two functions. Although it might be tempting to assume that the derivative of the product is the product of the derivatives, similar to the sum and difference rules, the product rule does not follow this pattern. To see why we cannot use this pattern, consider the function whose derivative is and not
Theorem 3.5
Product Rule
Let and be differentiable functions. Then
That is,
This means that the derivative of a product of two functions is the derivative of the first function times the second function plus the derivative of the second function times the first function.
We begin by assuming that and are differentiable functions. At a key point in this proof we need to use the fact that, since is differentiable, it is also continuous. In particular, we use the fact that since is continuous,
By applying the limit definition of the derivative to we obtain
By adding and subtracting in the numerator, we have
After breaking apart this quotient and applying the sum law for limits, the derivative becomes
Rearranging, we obtain
By using the continuity of the definition of the derivatives of and and applying the limit laws, we arrive at the product rule,
Example 3.23
Applying the Product Rule to Functions at a Point
For use the product rule to find if and
Since and hence
Example 3.24
Applying the Product Rule to Binomials
For find by applying the product rule. Check the result by first finding the product and then differentiating.
If we set and then and Thus,
Simplifying, we have
To check, we see that and, consequently,
Checkpoint 3.16
Use the product rule to obtain the derivative of
The Quotient Rule
Having developed and practiced the product rule, we now consider differentiating quotients of functions. As we see in the following theorem, the derivative of the quotient is not the quotient of the derivatives; rather, it is the derivative of the function in the numerator times the function in the denominator minus the derivative of the function in the denominator times the function in the numerator, all divided by the square of the function in the denominator. In order to better grasp why we cannot simply take the quotient of the derivatives, keep in mind that
Theorem 3.6
The Quotient Rule
Let and be differentiable functions. Then
That is,
The proof of the quotient rule is very similar to the proof of the product rule, so it is omitted here. Instead, we apply this new rule for finding derivatives in the next example.
Example 3.25
Applying the Quotient Rule
Use the quotient rule to find the derivative of
Let and Thus, and Substituting into the quotient rule, we have
Simplifying, we obtain
Checkpoint 3.17
Find the derivative of
It is now possible to use the quotient rule to extend the power rule to find derivatives of functions of the form where is a negative integer.
Theorem 3.7
Extended Power Rule
If is a negative integer, then
If is a negative integer, we may set so that n is a positive integer with Since for each positive integer we may now apply the quotient rule by setting and In this case, and Thus,
Simplifying, we see that
Finally, observe that since by substituting we have
Example 3.26
Using the Extended Power Rule
By applying the extended power rule with we obtain
Example 3.27
Using the Extended Power Rule and the Constant Multiple Rule
Use the extended power rule and the constant multiple rule to find the derivative of
It may seem tempting to use the quotient rule to find this derivative, and it would certainly not be incorrect to do so. However, it is far easier to differentiate this function by first rewriting it as
Checkpoint 3.18
Find the derivative of using the extended power rule.
Combining Differentiation Rules
As we have seen throughout the examples in this section, it seldom happens that we are called on to apply just one differentiation rule to find the derivative of a given function. At this point, by combining the differentiation rules, we may find the derivatives of any polynomial or rational function. Later on we will encounter more complex combinations of differentiation rules. A good rule of thumb to use when applying several rules is to apply the rules in reverse of the order in which we would evaluate the function.
Example 3.28
Combining Differentiation Rules
For find
Finding this derivative requires the sum rule, the constant multiple rule, and the product rule.
Example 3.29
Extending the Product Rule
For express in terms of and their derivatives.
We can think of the function as the product of the function and the function That is, Thus,
Example 3.30
Combining the Quotient Rule and the Product Rule
For find
This procedure is typical for finding the derivative of a rational function.
Checkpoint 3.19
Example 3.31
Determining Where a Function Has a Horizontal Tangent
Determine the values of for which has a horizontal tangent line.
To find the values of for which has a horizontal tangent line, we must solve Since
we must solve Thus we see that the function has horizontal tangent lines at and as shown in the following graph.
Figure 3.19 This function has horizontal tangent lines at x = 2/3 and x = 4.
Example 3.32
Finding a Velocity
The position of an object on a coordinate axis at time is given by What is the initial velocity of the object?
Since the initial velocity is begin by finding by applying the quotient rule:
After evaluating, we see that
Checkpoint 3.20
Find the values of for which the graph of has a tangent line parallel to the line
Student Project
Formula One Grandstands
Formula One car races can be very exciting to watch and attract a lot of spectators. Formula One track designers have to ensure sufficient grandstand space is available around the track to accommodate these viewers. However, car racing can be dangerous, and safety considerations are paramount. The grandstands must be placed where spectators will not be in danger should a driver lose control of a car (Figure 3.20).
Figure 3.20 The grandstand next to a straightaway of the Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya race track, located where the spectators are not in danger.
Safety is especially a concern on turns. If a driver does not slow down enough before entering the turn, the car may slide off the racetrack. Normally, this just results in a wider turn, which slows the driver down. But if the driver loses control completely, the car may fly off the track entirely, on a path tangent to the curve of the racetrack.
Suppose you are designing a new Formula One track. One section of the track can be modeled by the function (Figure 3.21). The current plan calls for grandstands to be built along the first straightaway and around a portion of the first curve. The plans call for the front corner of the grandstand to be located at the point We want to determine whether this location puts the spectators in danger if a driver loses control of the car.
Figure 3.21 (a) One section of the racetrack can be modeled by the function (b) The front corner of the grandstand is located at
- Physicists have determined that drivers are most likely to lose control of their cars as they are coming into a turn, at the point where the slope of the tangent line is 1. Find the coordinates of this point near the turn.
- Find the equation of the tangent line to the curve at this point.
- To determine whether the spectators are in danger in this scenario, find the x-coordinate of the point where the tangent line crosses the line Is this point safely to the right of the grandstand? Or are the spectators in danger?
- What if a driver loses control earlier than the physicists project? Suppose a driver loses control at the point What is the slope of the tangent line at this point?
- If a driver loses control as described in part 4, are the spectators safe?
- Should you proceed with the current design for the grandstand, or should the grandstands be moved?
Section 3.3 Exercises
For the following exercises, find for each function.
For the following exercises, find the equation of the tangent line to the graph of the given function at the indicated point. Use a graphing calculator to graph the function and the tangent line.
[T] at
[T] at
[T] at
[T] at
For the following exercises, assume that and are both differentiable functions for all Find the derivative of each of the functions
For the following exercises, assume that and are both differentiable functions with values as given in the following table. Use the following table to calculate the following derivatives.
Find if
Find if
Find if
Find if
For the following exercises, use the following figure to find the indicated derivatives, if they exist.
Let Find
- and
Let Find
- and
Let Find
- and
For the following exercises,
- evaluate and
- graph the function and the tangent line at
Find the equation of the tangent line to the graph of at
Find the equation of the tangent line to the graph of at
Find the equation of the tangent line to the graph of at
Find the point on the graph of such that the tangent line at that point has an intercept of 6.
Find the equation of the line passing through the point and tangent to the graph of
Determine all points on the graph of for which
- the tangent line is horizontal
- the tangent line has a slope of
Find a quadratic polynomial such that and
A car driving along a freeway with traffic has traveled meters in seconds.
- Determine the time in seconds when the velocity of the car is 0.
- Determine the acceleration of the car when the velocity is 0.
[T] A herring swimming along a straight line has traveled feet in seconds.
Determine the velocity of the herring when it has traveled 3 seconds.
The population in millions of arctic flounder in the Atlantic Ocean is modeled by the function where is measured in years.
- Determine the initial flounder population.
- Determine and briefly interpret the result.
[T] The concentration of antibiotic in the bloodstream hours after being injected is given by the function where is measured in milligrams per liter of blood.
- Find the rate of change of
- Determine the rate of change for and
- Briefly describe what seems to be occurring as the number of hours increases.
A book publisher has a cost function given by where x is the number of copies of a book in thousands and C is the cost, per book, measured in dollars. Evaluate and explain its meaning.
[T] According to Newton’s law of universal gravitation, the force between two bodies of constant mass and is given by the formula where is the gravitational constant and is the distance between the bodies.
- Suppose that are constants. Find the rate of change of force with respect to distance
- Find the rate of change of force with gravitational constant on two bodies 10 meters apart, each with a mass of 1000 kilograms.